Sunday, January 13, 2013

Last European stop: Nuremburg, Germany

I had to say goodbye to everyone today, as we were leaving Garmisch, it was rough. I headed to Nuremberg as everyone was going back to Salzburg and Louie going to England. Mike lives just near Nuremberg, and offered a place to stay for the night, because my flight was out of Munich which is.. kind of nearby lol. Plus, I got to see another city AND Mike again before I left!

He met me at the Nuremberg Haptbanhof, and then we chucked my bag in a locker and walked around the city a bit. It was a really cool city!  There was a castle in the middle of it and many beautiful churches and streets to just walk down and enjoy:)

After seeing the city, we went back to the station and saw that the train comes in 4 minutes! We were lucky! Quickly got tickets and made it on the train.. then as the doors were closing, Mike said, "shit, tour bag!" We booked it out of there running at full speed.. luckily the door still opened for us. We went to get my bag and by the time we got back to the platform, we only had a few minutes wait.  We had dinner at his place and he came with me to the airport today:)  I will say though.. it made it soo much harder to say goodbye.

It was snowing on the way to the airport, and below 0°C (about 30°F) ...I checked the weather for Bangkok before I left.. 33°C (about 85-90°F) and sunny all week.. that's going to be quite the adjustment! But I am soo ready for warmth!  I'll just have to do a little shopping when I get there.

Goodbye Europe..
it's been quite a wonderful time with you and all the culture, people, and land you contain..
But it's not really goodbye, because I'll definitely be back.


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