Sunday, November 11, 2012

Luxembourg City, Luxembourg: Fairytale Land

This place is seriously cool. One minute I'm walking through a city, the next I'm walking down the side of a valley with rocks and remains of castle protruding from it. It's incredibly cool!

I was there for 3 nights, on the first was the presidential election.  I stayed up for a while with other Americans and also some other people from England, New Zealand, Italy, Australia, and Sweden!  I want to bed around 3:30 here (back home that's 9:30pm), but some of the Americans were still up when I went to breakfast the next morning. And alas, Obama won, and all of Europe (and probably the rest of the world) is proud of America again lol.

The next day, I met the Australian, Chris, for breakfast, then to hang out and just walk around all day.  And that's just what we did.. we pretty much didn't stop walking until about 5pm, and we started at 9am! We walked through the city, down to the river (which was about a meter wide lol), and along the river for awhile, then up the valley on the other side, the back through the city past the train station, and over to the other side of our hostel, up that side of the valley, and we found some remnants of a fortress!  And an awesome view of Luxembourg.  We kept walking and found a small castle, went inside and it ended up being a free museum!  So we decided to go through it and see what all the leftover bits of castle/fortress/walls were all over and around the city. It was pretty Mich a history museum, with a lot of pictures from the past and cool swords and military armor,.so it kind of felt like a last from the past, Renaissance style.  And then we went upstairs, all we knew was that it said there was an exhibition on the upper floor. And holy shit... I was mind blown. And not in a good way.. I honestly didn't know what to think. Imagine going into a room, not really knowing what to expect, but you just came from an ancient history museum, so you figured it was something along the lines of that.... No. We walked upstairs into an all white room full of stick people, colored doorways, carpets turned over, in one room there were about 20 plastic sheep on the ground.. there was an all white bathroom display with yellow stickynotes all over it.. And the only signs to explain anything were in about 3 or 4 languages OTHER than english... So we really had not idea what was going on... all I could think was wtf!?  I didn't know what to think lol. Chris kept saying for him it was a cross between IKEA and pergatory.  After we were done going through it, I wet to find the bathroom in the basement..... Haha anther weird story.. when I went down there.. I ended up in the middle of a castle's rock tunnel.. there was no sign that pointed me in the right direction, I was just soo confused! But after walking the wrong way for quite a few meters, I turned around and it was all the way at the other end of the tunnel. So weird.. I still am not sure what to think of it lol.

After we left, we found ourselves heading toward the modern history museum.. decided to skip that and it was time for a beer.  But we were in a new area now.. full of modern buildings and a HUGE pedestrian area full of no one but us and maybe 3 others.. it was a moment where we decided to go.  We headed back but a different way this time.. we ended up hiking a bit down and then found a road to walk along. As we were walking, we decided that this whole day was like a multilevel Nintendo game. You have a traditional city, woods, valleys, bridges, castles, and a modern city. 

That night we met with another friend Josh, an American who is teaching English in France!  We went out in Luxembourg near our hostel and had a blast!  It was a Wednesday night, and everywhere was empty, but it didn't matter.. we had a blast. The next morning Chris left. And I didn't wake up until 10:30! 

Mann.. That was only day 1, I'll make day 2 & 3 quick, I promise. Well I got a late start on day 2, but I ended up finding an area that Chris and I didn't walk.. can you believe it!?  I walked to the other side of the wall (which is a bridge for cars along the top) next to the youth hostel, and it was awesome!!  I was in an area of the city called Grund. There are a lot of rock outcroppings and remains of more walls and castle bits. Day 3, I walked all along a different, bigger river and hiked a bit along the valley. It was pretty dang beautiful. Then headed to Brussels after a morning of.. guess!  Walking around!  :)

Headed to what they call the Capital of Europe!

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