Saturday, March 16, 2013

Almost died on a boat in the ocean during a storm just off of Lembongan Island, Bali, Malaysia

Our first night in Bali, we stayed in the Kuta Beach area.  We weren't too keen on the whole tourist Aussie parties going on there (it's comparable to what Cancun is for the US), so we just hung around on our own.  I tried satay!  Which is basically chicken skewers lathered in peanut sauce grilled until amazing.  We then met some locals at a tatoo place.. I really wanna get my nose pierced, twice on the same side, I'm not sure how my future employers will like that.. but if the opportunity presents itself, I'm not sure I'll turn it down again.. it was cool though, all of us just hanging out on the steps, with the locals, of this tatoo place.

Our accommodation is pretty great too.. when we arrived, we found that we had a 6 bed Villa! entire house for us!  We were meeting Karim's friends he met just before we met at the Lounge in Koh Samui. Their names are Sammi and Cody, and they were from America too!  Cody is from Cali, and Sammi is from Texas.

The next day we headed to Lembongan Island. It was pretty awesome!  We spent 4 nights there, it had a pool, and a beach, but you couldn't really swim in the ocean, because there were soo many local boats around.  The pool was really awesome though!!  And we found a really local and cheap place to eat too!

One of the days we rented motorbikes and rode all over the island.  We also crossed this really dodgy suspension bridge, it moved as we drove over it.. hah! We found our way to a cliff diving area!!  I was soo pumped, because that's definitely something I want to do while I'm out here.. unfortunately there is a "but" though... The waves were way too strong that day  :(  so we couldn't jump. But we did get to see some locals catching crabs! That was pretty cool.

We also saw a lot of great views of the island and it's beaches. We stopped and spent some time at this one beach called Dream Beach. It was gorgeous!!  The color of the water was brilliantly blue, there were rocks surrounding it as well which provided amazing scenery, but the waves were insanely strong!  Sammi and I were sitting on the beach when a wave came and literally dragged us into the water!!  Needless to say, we definitely had to shower by the pool to get all the sand off, before moving on with our day.

We also went to this one view point called Devil's Tear. Gorgeous blue waters, awesome rocks to climb around on, and a killer view. I stopped the bike and walked out on the rock/cliff. I had to be careful though, the waves came in pretty strong there and would sometimes cause an insanely high splash that could grab you if you get too close.. It was soo beautiful!!! Being above the water and being able to look down at the waves crashing into the rocks beneath me, was really incredible 

The next day we went snorkeling!  We lathered up the sun block and then headed out early in the morning on a local boat. Unfortunately, it ended up we really didn't need the sun screen after all though... The skies turned quick, and became pretty overcast. The coral and fish were still very colorful, but after stopping at about 3 areas to snorkel, the waves really started picking up.  There was an older German lady, grey hair and wrinkly and had to have been about 65/70 years old, on the boat with us who was a CHAMP; she wanted to keep going onto the next area when all of us, 25 and under, were 100% up for heading back, because the amount that the boat was rocking was insane!  I think we went one more stop and then skidadled out of there!

On the way back to our resort, the rain was coming down!!!  I mean, cats and dogs style.. It was utterly pouring!  Any chance of saving our things from getting wet was absolutely lost, but luckily I put my camera in a plastic bag before we left, because we were all soaking by the end of this adventure..

At one point, I had a moment. And many might not understand what this means, but it's when you think to yourself, wow.. this is honesty happening to me right now, and it could happen in moments you never thought would happen to you, but for me, usually it happens in amazing moments, like randomly seeing this amazing band in Australia, sleeping in a swag, being surrounded by people from soo many different places, seeing an amazingly beautiful mountain, snowboarding on a glacier, or simply doing something you never thought you'd do..

Well this moment to me.. was hilarious. I just remember looking across the boat.. waves going crazy left and right, and seeing my friends Sammi and Cody. Sammi was just holding onto Cody, and Cody to Sammi.. the boat was almost horizontal.. then I look to the German lady, she's just chillin out, holding onto her hat, Karim was wrapped up in his serong, I looked down and saw/felt that me, my towel and everyone around me was SOAKING WET, so...

I just started laughing histerically.

I never imagined I would experience something like this.. I kept thinking about what I would do if this boat flipped... and we all went over the edge lol.. it felt like a movie. 

Well, I'm still alive, so clearly I made it.. when the boat finally arrived back at our resort, we all got off and went toward the covered area, there was the Australian couple we met earlier, and they just started laughing histerically at us!  Hah!  I mean.. what else can you do when shit goes to shit and it's out of your control?? Only laugh.  So we told them the story of what happened and then we jumped in the pool, which was a hell of a lot warmer than being outside.. because of the cold wind, it almost felt like a hot tub!  ...almost.  Then I saw another boat come to shore, and it was some Aussies I met earlier in the week.. the same thing happened to them.. it was soo funny, and all we could do was laugh.

The only thing that could've made it.all better was a warm shower, but alas, we're in Southeast Asia.. and very far from that!  But it all turned out ok, and plus, I definitely had a good "moment" laugh.  :)

On our way back to Bali, we took a public boat, which was 140,000 rupiah cheaper than the boat on the way to Lembongan island.. we sat on wood planks, but it was soo worth it!

<3 M

Next stop, Ubud!  On the island of Bali, Indonesia.

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